I received a message this week from an old acquaintance who stated my writing has them concerned about my "spot in heaven".
This person also asked if I had given any thought to how I will be remembered if I continue to use my Facebook Page to promote the "weakening of men" and the "abhorrent way I blaspheme."
To be honest, I wasn't sure how to respond to any of that. I’m not very good at solving riddles.
So, instead, I wrote them the following unedited poem:
I don’t write to be remembered
I write to remember
what I already knew on
my first day on Earth
this is all magic
we can’t control our legacy
when we give up our bodies
and become air and light
but we can control our love affair with
life while we are still wearing our skin
I know so many people who are hyper-focused on their afterlife reservations
And yes, of course, I’m also a bit curious about what happens next
but the thing is,
it’s just that I’m more interested with
this moment right now
and how the morning breeze is moving
through the field of dandelions, I’ve
allowed to overtake my backyard
than I am in what might possibly
happen after my coffin clicks shut
I think if I spend my life
fretting over if I will get
keycard to hotel paradise
I will miss the nirvana
that reveals itself to me
whenever I see two strangers
being kind to each other
so, no, I’m not intrigued
by the pursuit of securing my legacy
or in worrying over
my admittance into
your country club heaven
because both of those will be decided for me
by people or beings far smarter than I could ever pretend to be
I’m much more attracted to
making sure the next breath I take
is my “make or break moment” where
I forgive you for your judgment
I'm grateful for your questions
and they have caused me to come up with
a new morning prayer that I will offer
up to the rising sun that greets me
“Oh, Spirit -
please help me keep
all my verbs in the present tense
~to love now
~to honor life now
~to forgive now
~to concern myself with now
and let me untie myself
from the anchor of
everything else that is
outside of my control”

I am so excited to finally announce the details about my Unafraid Storyteller retreat experience that I will be offering in Massachusetts at the legendary Kripalu Center this upcoming November!
We exist in a world where our photos are expected to be perfectly edited and our social media posts have to be carefully crafted to prevent us from accidentally showing the “real” person inside. However, life is meant to be messy, adventurous, and a bit chaotic. This is exactly what makes being alive the best game in the universe.
Join poet, writer, and comedian John Roedel for a high-energy program that guides you to tell the authentic story of your life.
Through journaling, group interaction, creative exercises, physical movement and hands-on activities, you will let people see past your Instagram filter and straight into your often untidy heart
~Learn to give people a chance to witness the wildness of your existence
~Appreciate the own miracle of your uneven adventure
~Gain tools to tell your own story without fear of what the world will think of you.
As storytellers, it’s not our job to impress people with the story of our lives, it’s about giving the reader the opportunity to embrace the highs and lows of their own journey.
Note This program is suitable for all writers, storytellers, or humans who want to live and share their stories with more authenticity.
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It's Troll month and your relatives or friends are allowed to do such things, but I think we should only joke to the extent allowed and not go beyond the limit. The article is a wordle lot good and brings joy to everyone.